Everything in the Universe is interconnected. Frequencies make up everything you can see around you, and all that you cannot. These frequencies are based on blocks of code; similar to the code you may be familiar with in use with computer programs.
But what if some of these codes are corrupt or distorted?

How does code get distorted? One factor that contributes to this, is the inherited lineage codes and frequency patterns you get from each of your parents; and that they, in turn got from theirs. Think about that a moment. How much are you carrying around that originated with a distant ancestor 10 generations back?
Here’s an example of a distorted frequency pattern. A client comes in for help with a pattern of chronic limitation of some kind. I look at the patterning and see where it originated and whether it is from a family lineage or past life or both.
What I usually see is that somebody way back in time made a desperate plea for rescue from some calamity – a sick child, starvation, threat of war, etc. They would give anything to change whatever was causing such distress. That distant relative’s plea attracted a being who perhaps appeared divine and had the power and ability to grant their desire- but there would be a cost- a granting of access to the relative’s life force – just a tiny bit.
Unaware that the being was not there for their highest good, the relative agreed to the deal. Unfortunately, the deal then extended to each descendant of that relative up through present day. The client has a chronic pattern of limitation as part of that original 500 year old bargain they had nothing to do with. This is an example of a fairly common frequency distortion pattern that can be changed.