Anne Westfall
Restoring Natural Intelligence of Body, Mind and Spirit through Pure Frequency
Through a powerful connection to Source and the Intelligence of Nature- I facilitate powerful, efficient clearing and restoration of your physical and spiritual centers. Thousands of people have successfully resolved negative patterns, emotional concerns and chronic health issues through learning to awaken their Natural Intelligence.
The time is over for the patterns of Victim, Rescuer and Savior. It is time now for us to be Sovereign- to stand up and awaken to the Truth of who we are as Brilliant Beings. If you are ready for change and to become your authentic Self, let’s get started! Humor and joyous curiosity are always part of what I bring to each session; in addition to 40 years of experience and learning.
The Shamanic Journey work is presented in a dynamic group environment and facilitates awakening and sovereignty using Natural Intelligence from an indigenous perspective. Learn more on the Shamanic Journey page.